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What We Do

A great business idea is not a guarantee that the business will be eagerly financed and take off successfully let alone thrive and be sustainably profitable. Likewise, no amount of investment capital can ensure the long-term survival and growth of a business.

Signal Hill Cape Town South Africa
Business Conference
Bills and Coins
Writing a Diary

What We Do

We facilitate connecting capital investors to business owners for their mutual interests. Our role allows investors to identify the right business they can finance while helping viable businesses that seek needed capital to avail of funding sources so they can successfully start operating. These start-up SMEs generally require capitalization of from $2,000 to $10 million.


We know the African market best along with its $1.2 trillion opportunities that we try to tap for potential players.  


We offer a wide range of services so our clients on the entrepreneurial and financial side can find the perfect solutions tailored to their business needs including financing, storytelling, design, and consulting.

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